General Questions
- How do I configure WiFi for the Screenly Player?
- How does Priority Override work?
- Does my device come with a warranty?
- Where can I find my Personal Support PIN?
- How do I configure a static IP address?
- How can I delete old labels?
- How much bandwidth does Screenly use?
- How do I set up multiuser accounts in Screenly?
- How does the player handle deleting files?
- Do additional screens include additional storage?
- How long does it take to remove an asset from the player after it is removed from the assigned playlist?
- How much space does the Screenly install take up?
- Can I copy my screen settings?
- Can I manage my screen status notifications?
- Can I use two-factor authentication (2FA) with Screenly?
- Why is my page showing blank sections and missing buttons?
- What are the icons showing in the corner of my display? (thermometer and lightning bolt)
- Can I get a copy of my assets?
- Can I hide "cookie" messages on websites?
- What happens if your system crashes or gets hacked?
- Invoices and Receipts: Where are they sent? Where do I get a copy?
- Are there any file size limits?
- How can I make my assets auto refresh?
- Where can I find apps to use with Screenly?
- Can I display Excel spreadsheets on Screenly?
- How do I upgrade from v1 to Screenly 2?
- How long will the Screenly v1 Player be supported?
- What is your refund policy?
- Is there a self-hosted version available of Screenly?
- Which browsers do you support?