Last updated: October 30, 2023 (no changes)
There are multiple online tools that can be used to generate and compare hashes, but the steps below will cover how to complete this when using a tool named HashTab (Version on Windows 10. (Please note: HashTab offers a free version for personal, non-commercial use only. Please use the appropriate license if you plan to use their tool.)
Step 1: Open a browser and navigate to the HashTab download page here.
Step 2: Download the free version, and complete the installation procedure.
Step 3: Once installation is complete, download our Pi 3/3B+ image here, and our MD5 file here.
Step 4: Once both of these files are downloaded, navigate to the zip file that contains the image, right-click on this zip file, and select Properties.
Step 5: Click on the File Hashes tab, and the tool will automatically generate the hash value for you.
Step 6: Once the hash is generated and visible, click the Compare A File button, and select the MD5 file you downloaded previously.
Step 7: The tool will now compare the hash of the zip file with the hash of the MD5 file, and should display a green checkmark if these are a match.