Last updated: November 20, 2024
The most popular image formats are supported. Please note that animated GIFs must be embedded in a web page.
When you prepare images, make sure they are as close as possible to 1920x1080px.
The full list of support image file extensions is as follows:
Screenly supports all major video formats and automatically encodes them for the best possible playback fidelity on your screen.
The full list of supported video file extensions is as follows:
- MP4
- TS
The best video configuration for Screenly is 1920x1080 30FPS max. video codec profile - "high", video codec level = 4.1, CRF = 20 - codec is h264 - audio = mp3.
YouTube and Vimeo video URLs are supported.
PDF files
Please take a look at our article on How to display PDF content in Screenly.
Screenly can render most websites. However, if the website uses too much JavaScript, playback performance and rendering are likely to suffer. To get the best possible results, keep the website as lean as possible and optimize it for 1920x1080.
When you want a URL to refresh each time it displays, you can do that by adding the URL asset twice and adding an image asset between the URLs. You can find more details about this here.
You can read more about logging into websites using Screenly here.
Screenly supports MP3 files at 320kbps and FLAC (lossless) files.
Unsupported Content
Although the following file types may work with Screenly to a degree, we do not officially support them.
- Word
- Excel
However, we have several suggestions for how you can best use these files within Screenly, including exporting them as images or uploading them to Google Drive, and publishing them as web assets. Please take a look at the use case here to discover these alternatives.